Temes de Disseny #35
Temes de Disseny #35
Temes de Disseny #35
Temes de Disseny #35

Temes de Disseny #35


Regular Price €30

Temes de Disseny #35. AI and Emerging Digital Technologies as a Design Material

Guest Editors: Ramon Sangüesa and Ariel Guersenzvaig (Guest); Laura Clèries, PhD and Oscar Tomico, PhD 
Co-editors in Chief: Laura Clèries, PhD, Oscar Tomico, PhD
Managing editor: Guim Espelt, PhD
Publisher: Elisava Research
Design: Studio Albert Romagosa
Year: 2019
ISSN: 2604-9155

icon-plus Description

As Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data, and other technologies become widespread they could be seen as new materials for design. But what are the special traits of these materials? How should design incorporate them in its practices? How does it change design research? HCI? UX? What are their ethical implications?

In this issue of Temes de Disseny we gathered contributions from design researchers and practitioners that offer potential answers. From practical approximations to ethical guidelines, the authors in this issue cover broad ground in their quest to answer the challenges that these new artificial agencies pose. The earnings of this purchase are exclusively dedicated to the graphic editing and the production of the printed version of the journal.