Temes de Disseny #37
Temes de Disseny #37
Temes de Disseny #37
Temes de Disseny #37

Temes de Disseny #37


Regular Price €30

Temes de Disseny #37. InvisibleConflicts: A New Terrain of Bodies, Infrastructures and Information
Guest Editors: Bani Brusadin, PhD, Laura Benítez, PhD
Co-editors in Chief: Laura Clèries, PhD, Oscar Tomico, PhD
Managing editor: Guim Espelt, PhD
Publisher: Elisava Research
Design: Studio Albert Romagosa
Year: 2021
ISSN: 2604-9155

icon-plus Description

The experience of the interconnected planet is the experience of an artificial totality, the result of the accelerated intersection of different invisible realms, topologies and layers that compete with one another following the irregular logics of rival interests, incompatible designs, non-human life form habits and rhythms, forms of resistance, errors, collateral effects and accidents.

This issue presents case studies and research practices that address the need to focus on these frictions from a variety of different perspectives in order to detect new forms of power and hidden inequalities as well as to envision unprecedented opportunities for intervention and counter-design. The earnings of this purchase are exclusively dedicated to the graphic editing and the production of the printed version of the journal.